We’re excited to announce that enrollment is NOW OPEN for our Focused Foundations Summer Program! This program is specifically designed to help students excel in Reading, Writing, and Math by addressing their individual needs and turning struggles into strengths.

Kindergarten-6th grade: Math, Reading, & Writing

One-on-One Intensive Remediation

Enriched Learning

Based on the Needs of the Individual Child

7th-12th Grade: Math

One-on-One in a Group Setting

Tailored Plan to Help Fill in the Gaps

Based on the Needs of the Individual Child

Focusing on the Foundation

Whether your child is in Elementary, Middle, Jr. High, or High School, we have options within our summer program that could help get them back on track!

We identify your child’s areas of struggle and provide targeted, individualized support.
✅ Our program focuses on remedial techniques that help transform challenges into building blocks for success.
✅ Each student receives a tailored plan designed to get them back on track and ready for the next school year.
✅ Qualified teachers will revisit key concepts from previous grade levels, strengthening the building blocks needed to get on track for the upcoming school year.